Saturday, August 17, 2019

Resurrection Proclamation - A Funeral Homily

Resurrection Proclamation
A Homily of Hope – Using Scriptural Quotation and Contemporary Paraphrase

by Elder O. Kris Widmer, Preacher and Poet

For the Memorial Service of Dr. Myron K. Widmer, his cousin.

Jesus is risen!  Hallelujah!
Christ is risen!  Hallelujah!
The Lord is risen!  Hallelujah!
We shall rise!  Hallelujah!

Jesus, the Anointed One…
         Jesus, the Risen One says…
“I am the faithful witness.
I am the first born of the dead.
I love you.
I have released you from your sins
         By my death .
I have gathered you as a holy people
         by my resurrection.
Revelation 1:5,6
Jesus, the Anointed One…
         Jesus, the Risen One says…
I am the A and the Z…and everything in between.
I am the Zero and the Infinity
I am the present, the past and the future.                           Revelation 1:8
I am the was, the is and the is to come.
I am the start and the finish.
I am the All in All…the everything.

Jesus, the Anointed One…
         Jesus, the Risen One says…
 “Do not be afraid;
I am the first and the last.
I am the Living One;
I was dead; now behold I am alive forever.
I have the keys of all death and every grave.”     Revelation 1:17,18

Jesus, the Anointed One…
         Jesus, the Risen One says…
I sit with Mighty God on the throne                                  Revelation 5:13
I am the creator and the re-creator.                                 Revelation 4:11
I am the Lamb…that was sacrificed…but now stands. Revelation 5:6
         receiving power, riches, wisdom,
         strength, honor, glory and blessing.
I am the Faithful and True                                               Revelation 19:11
I hold the mysteries of the future in my hand.                   Revelation 5,6
I say to all the dead…
 “Rest for just a little while longer.
Everything is on schedule and under control.”         Revelation 6:11

Jesus, the Anointed One…
         Jesus, the Risen One says…
Why come looking for my corpse among the dead?
         It was only a borrowed tomb.
         I have returned it to it’s owner…slightly used, greatly blessed.
         I only needed it for the weekend.    (From Southern Gospel Song)
I am not there anymore…laying in stately state.
I am alive.                                                                                  Luke 24:5,6
I am with you.
I am with you always…even to the end of time.”              Matthew 28:20


Jesus, the Anointed One…
         Jesus, the Risen One says…
Remember this.
Please, Remember this.
I will be handed over to sinful people.
I will be die by crucifixion.
But on the third day, I will rise again.                                   Luke 24:7
In the same way,
You shall certainly die.                                                             Genesis 2:17
But on the last day I will raise you up. John 6 – 4x repeated phrase.    

Jesus, the Anointed One…
         Jesus, the Risen One says…
The one who comes to me
I will absolutely never, never, never,
never, never, never, never –
cast out, cast aside, cast off!                                                     John 6:37

Jesus, the Anointed One…
         Jesus, the Risen One says…
You are mine!
Heavenly God, the one who sent me,
has given you to me.
What is given me I will NOT loose!
No how!  No way!  And I don’t mean maybe.          John Ammon Phrase
I will raise you up on the last day!                                         John 6:39

Jesus, the Anointed One…
         Jesus, the Risen One says…
Every person who learns of me and believes in me
Already has eternal life.
I, Myself…
I personally will raise you up on the last day.                    John 6:40

Jesus, the Anointed One…
         Jesus, the Risen One says…
Come to me all who are exhausted and burdened                Matthew 11
Come to me.
Almighty God is wooing you.
I will raise you up on the last day.                                         John 6:44

Jesus, the Anointed One…
         Jesus, the Risen One says…
I am the New and True Manna, food for your inner hunger.
Remember the manna story?
Moses and company ate the daily bread
God rained it down from heaven.
Well, still; a whole generation died in the wilderness:
         A Sour Dough, indeed!
If all you eat is kneadable, bakeable, chewable, swallowable bread:
         Wonder Bread, White Bread, Wheat Bread
If all you eat is sliced or broken bread:
         Even if it is…
         Whole Wheat Bread -
                       with Rolled Oats, Quinoa and Nuts,
                       Non-GMO and Zero Trans Fats ! -
You will still die.
         It is still all just Sour Dough!
You have no life in yourselves.                                                    John 6:53.
Feast on me.
Eat me.
Drink me.

Now you may ask “What ARE you talking about?”                    John 6:52
Good Question.          Fair Question.

Again…like Moses and company
They ate unleavened bread and drank wine as they left Egypt
The Jews remember it with the Passover meal…
The Christians remember the Passover and the Last Supper
With their bread and juice communion.
    (Sometimes they wash feet also.)
These are all symbolic things pointing to me.
They are mere shadows.                                                   Galatians 2:17
I am the reality.

See, if all you do is munch communion wafers and sip grape juice,
You will certainly will still die physically
And could be lost eternally!

I am the reality.
I am the true food.
         Don’t just eat a lamb chop…eat ME! - The Lamb of Life
         Don’t just bite some bread…eat ME! The Bread of Life
I am the true drink.
         I drank “The Cup of Death”, so you could drink ME –
                       The  “Living Water”

I am your Passover.                                                          1 Corinthians 5:7
Eat me.     Drink me.
And eternal death will “pass over” you.

Eat me.    Drink me.
I will raise you up on the last day!                                         John 6:54

Jesus is risen!  Hallelujah!
WE shall rise!  Hallelujah!

Jesus, the Anointed One…
         Jesus, the Risen One says…
This is what happened to me.
I was arrested and turned over to wicked people
         To show the world the true character of Satan
         and to destroy everything he has done.
I was crucified.
I was numbered with the transgressors…between two thieves.
I was buried through the kindness of others
But then on the third day…

My lungs started expanding.
        Inhale – Exhale
My nose started smelling.
        Mmmmm - Myrrh
My heart started beating.
My hands moved
My feet flexed
My eyes opened.
My lips smiled.
My brain started thinking.
All that remained of the ordeal…was the instant scars.
        Hand…scars…where the nails impaled.
        Feet…scars…where the nails pierced
        Side…a scar…where the spear stabbed
        Head….scars…where the thorns punctured
        Back…scars…where the flog tore.

But as for you…
Ah, yes….YOU!
You will be raised immortal.
No trace of your infirmity will rise with you.
No scars will remain.
Like Ezekiel’s Vision
        Bones will come together.
        Muscle and tendons connect.
        Organs will appear
        Skin will cover
        Hair will grow
        It will all happen, as if in a time lapse.

New lungs will fill with air.
New heart will begin beating
New kidneys will start filtering.
New eyes will start seeing
New nose will start smelling
New teeth will start chomping (for all you denture wearers)
New hands will start doing
New brain will start thinking
You will be you again.

Then the scripture will be fulfilled For YOU.
“Even though my skin is gone
and my tissues have serious issues
…yet in my flesh will I see God.”
                                                                                                        Job 19:26 

When you whisper to me, with your dying breaths -
         just like that requesting thief -
“Remember me when you eventually are in Your kingdom.”

Today and everyday,
I give you the same response.
I tell you the truth today, (comma)
I tell you today… on July 13, 2019 -

Jesus is risen!  Hallelujah!
WE shall rise!  Hallelujah!

Jesus, the Anointed One…
         Jesus, the Risen One says…
We know that the God that raised Me,
         will raise you
         and present you to Me.*
So don’t ever give up trusting in Him and Me.
Though the OUTER you might waste away and decay,
The INNER you can be stronger each and every day.
Whatever may lead to your death
is but a light and momentary annoyance
when compared to
the eternal and substantial glory that will be yours.
Don’t focus on the things you can see.
Look instead to the things you can’t see.
For the things you can see are temporary.
It is the things that can’t be seen that are…eternal.
                                                                   2 Corinthians 4:7-10; 14; 16-18

Jesus, the Anointed One…
         Jesus, the Risen One says…
This is the Gospel.
         Proclaimed to you and received by you.
I died for all sins…according to the scriptures.
I was buried.
I rose on the third day…according to the scriptures.
This is Very Good News!

I appeared to Mary Magdalene first.
         Then to Peter and the other disciples…several times.
I appeared to Cleopas and his friend in Emmaus.
         Then to Thomas, just so he could touch me.
I appeared to more than 500 others at one time.
         Then to James
I appeared to Paul…the last and least of all apostles.
                                                                                      1 Corinthians 15:1-9
Read what they wrote.
They’ll tell you.
I have been raised!

But some say “No.  That doesn’t happen.  It never has and never will!”
If that is true…than I’m not raised.
And…if I’m not raised….
         All preaching is foolishness done by false teachers. v. 14, 15
If I’m not raised…
         All faith is pointless.  v.14, 17
If I’m not raised….
         No sins are forgiven.17
If I’m not raised…
         then those who have died are dead FOREVER.   VS 18
If I’m not raised…
         those who think I am
         are to be pitied above all who have ever lived.  vs 19
What a miserable way to think.!
If I’m not raised…
         Live however you want.
         There will be no reckoning.
         It really is a dog-eat-dog world.
         Only the fittest will survive!
         You should say
         “Let’s Eat, Drink and Carouse –
         for tomorrow we may die.” VS 32
                                                                                  1 Corinthians 15:12-19
But I have been raised.
I am the first fruits of those who “sleep”
                                                                                       1 Corinthians 15:20

Jesus, the Anointed One…
         Jesus, the Risen One says…
Adam brought death.
I bring life!
Adam was earthy.
I am heavenly.                                                  1 Corinthians 15:21-22; 47
Now get this…
         I am Son of Man and Son of God.
         I am both earthy and heavenly.
This is so that YOU -
         Who are earthy in body now
         Can be heavenly in body later.                                                   vs 49

I proclaim to you a mystery.
You, my precious children, shall not all sleep.
No.  I will change you.
In a moment;
In the time it takes an eye to twinkle.                   1 Corinthians 15:51,52

I will come from heaven to earth…In the Clouds.
Every eye will see it!                                                           Revelation 1:10
I will shout.
My voice…the voice of the Archangel…will speak!
My voice will ring out, like a trumpet.
Awake.  Awake!
         The dust will give up its dead.
         The sea will give up its dead.
The dead who trusted in God will rise up.
         Death will hold them no longer.
The living ones remaining will be caught up.
         Death will never touch them
Rise Up!  Caught Up!
Meeting in the Air.       Hugging in the Air.
There will be no more partings.
You and them and I will be together forever.

                                                                                1 Thessalonians 4:16,17

Finally, these prophecies will be fulfilled!

Life will swallow death - once and for all.   (Gulp!)
                                                                1 Corinthians 15:54 (Isaiah 25:8)

The dead shall live.
Their dead bodies shall rise.
Awake and start singing,
You who currently dwell in the dirt.
It is time to come forth - as dew rises from moist soil.
Come out, Come out - where ever you are!
                                                                                                    Isaiah 26:19

I will free them from the power of the grave.
I will liberate them from the strength of death.
O Death, Your reign of terror is over!
O Grave, Your cruelty is ended!
No more victory, No more sting for you!
                                                                                                    Hosea 13:14

Jesus is risen! Hallelujah!
We shall rise! Hallelujah!
By the mercy, grace and love of Jesus;
and the power of His resurrection -

our beloved dead shall rise!  Hallelujah!

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