I hope you had a nice thanksgiving weekend. It was nice to have Tim home this week and a change of pace from the normal school routine.
Sabbath was a blessing. I was up at Shasta Lake for the whole day. It was a special treat to enjoy Sabbath School and Church there. Don Talkington and I played our guitars and it was fun. After church we had a nice potluck, and then Debbie and I headed up to Weaverville.
We needed to be there for the 4:30 p.m. memorial service for Cheri Robertson. She was a dear friend to our family and former parishioner of our Lewiston church. There were over 100 people at the memorial service, and I was asked to read my poem "All Things New" again. There was lots of food at the after meal.
I hope you have a good week, as we look forward to Christmas.