The Turpitude(1) of the Mr. and Mrs. Turpin of Parris,
O. Kris Widmer
January 18, 2018
By now, you’ve heard the world-wide news story about the
family in Southern California. A man and
his wife keeping 13 children locked up in their various houses. They moved from state to state when
circumstances required a rapid departure.
The ironic and tragic contrast between the images of a happy family at
an amusement park and the reality of the horrors of their home are heart
breaking. The fact that they frequently
renewed their marital vows (to love, honor and cherish) before their unloved, unhonored
and uncherished descendants reveals yet another depth of human depravity.
(Another strange factoid:
though Dad’s name starts with a D and Mom’s name starts with a L…I saw a
picture with the names of the adult children.
They all started with “J”…and I assume the other half of the group has
similar first initials.)
Praise the courage of the 17 year-old daughter that was able
to snap a few pictures in a deactivated cell phone, and then get outside the
home and call 911. God bless her and God bless these 13 precious souls.
What is unsettling is that it appears this whole thing may
have had a twisted religious motivation.
(1) A pair of grandparents of the children said God told the Turpins to
have that many children. (2) It appears this couple may have been motivated by
the “Quiver-full” movement, which teaches couples to ditch all birth control
and have as many children as God gives them; their application of Psalm 127:3-5
(And the wife is to be in a submissive position to the husband. “A woman’s place is in the birthing bed.”)
One commentary I found was likely correct when it said that
the spirituality of the home was likely based on fear and silence. “Mummy and Daddy are keeping you from the
big, bad world. The only safe place is
here in our home. We will keep you safe
and prepared for heaven and God’s approval.”
Such teaching results in the twisted Religious Stockholm Syndrome that
appears to be present in this tragic case.
We certainly don’t have all the details in this story…and
more will come out in the future.
I could get all “preacherly” just now for I have been and remain
a preacher. If you belong to Christ, you
are a minister too, you know. But I’ll
just share a few thoughts in this little devotional ripped from today’s
headlines…and leave it at that.
Certainly the Turpins lived lives of turmoil and
desperation. And strange things always
happen in families in such times. 2
Kings 6:24-29 records a family situation where famine resulted in adults making
bargains to each others children, and then backing out of such agreements when
only one of the children was eaten.
Certainly a prime example of the departure of natural parental love.
2 Timothy 3:3 predicts a time in the last days when people
would be “without natural affection.” We
think that fathers and mothers will just naturally be loving and provide the
best for their children. But the daily
news reveals that this is not the norm.
Matthew 24:12 predicts future times when “the love of many
will grow cold.” This is proven time and
time again in the way bosses treat employees, men treat women, straights treat
gays and parents treat children.
Isaiah 49:14-16 speaks of the Israelites saying as the
captivity to Babylon approached “The Lord has forsaken us. The Lord has
forgotten us.”. But God says “Can a
woman forget the child that is nursing? (Yes…it sometimes happens – women leave
unwanted children in dumpsters and toilets every day.) Are there times when a woman has no
compassion on the child of her womb?
(Yes…it happens all the time.)
Yes, these may forget…but I WILL NOT FORGET YOU. Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of
my hands…” which reminds us of Jesus and the scars of Calvary. When Jesus looks at his hands…he thinks of you.
Now sometimes we might expect fathers to be cruel. They are quick to take off their belts and
give their children the whoopin’ they deserve.
My father wasn’t like that, but I’ve heard stories. But somehow, we ascribe to mother’s a natural
maternal love that will always nurture, feed and protect. My mother was like
It is too early to know what Mrs. Turpin was thinking when her
children cried out in hunger or asked to take an third shower this year. Is she too a victim in this dysfunctional
home, kept under the thumb of domineering “male headship” kind of
marriage? She must have known that
something was not right in the home, for she talked her parents and sisters out
of nearly every visit for at least 2 decades.
Did she ever meditate on Jesus’ statement “If a child ask his father for a piece of
bread, will he give him a stone? (or chain him to the bed?). (Jesus’ implied
answer is NO!) If he shall ask his Papa for a fish (fillet, sandwich or taco),
will he give the child a poisonous snake? (or a slap up side the head?)
(Again…the implied No!) If you being
evil know how to give good gifts to your children…how much more shall your
wonderful God who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask him.” Matthew 7:9-11.
Oh how much our world needs the last half of the Elijah
message found in Malachi 4:6 (My own church has focused so much on the tithe
message found in Malachi 3:8-12, that they have missed the Elijah
message.) The first Elijah message is
the message John the Baptist preached.
“Prepare to meet the Lord…Messiah comes.
He is here.” The second Elijah
message is “Prepare to meet the Lord…Messiah comes again.”
And you know what Malachi 4:6 says is the way to be ready
for the coming kingdom? It is a restoration of the hearts of fathers to their
children and the hearts of children to their fathers! It is strong bonds of family love, if I may
paraphrase the verse.
Oh how the world needs religious belief and practice that
doesn’t fracture the family! Oh how
children need parents that will do them good and not evil all the days of their
lives, preparing them to leave eventually and cleave in a healthy way to their
This is the message I wish Mr. and Mrs. Turpin had been able
to hear and follow as she was pregnant with child number 1.
So if you are a parent with children (either under your roof
or on their own)…on your next opportunity (and for every opportunity to follow)
tell your children you love them. Don’t
complain the long showers they take at your house. Don’t object to the large pile of ketchup you
wash down the drain. Fix them a big meal
and tell them it is a big wonderful world…and God has a plan for you to go out
and transform your little corner of it to make it even more wonderful!
Love God. Love
Do Justly. Love
Mercy. Live Humbly.
Pastor Kris Widmer
(1) turpitude: a depraved or degenerate act or practice.