O. Kris Widmer
July 8, 2016
On Luke 7:11-17…for
Stephanie Haddad
Three Word Wednesday: Required Words: taboo, taut, tattered.
The gauze held his
Of course it was taboo for Him to touch it!
Still He did, and still
they gasped.
His hands moved down
the taut linen wrappings,
The only thing between
his living fingers and the dead flesh.
He feels the coolness
of the corpse, room temperature
forehead, neck,
shoulders, waist, hips, thighs, shins, toes.
He speaks first to the
mother: “Do not weep!”
He speaks next to the
stiff: “Young man, I say to you: Arise!”,
with his fingers
still surrounding the toes.
toes twitched!
lungs inhale!
heart beats!
thoughts resume!
eyes open!
lips smile!
the grim reaper falls
in an even more tattered black shroud.