For Greta J.
O. Kris Widmer June 13, 2012
Written while Candace (J.) J. and family were our house guests.
It has taken a while
but I hardly ever
think of that October.
Details have left me.
(Was it '83 or '84?)
That horrible month
when you and Rob's mom - Mrs. Nelson -
(I can't recall of
her first name.)
ended it all.
She jumped in front
of a train.
You slipped a noose
around your neck and leapt from the ladder.
Quite the Sabbath
afternoon surprise for Dr. Cliff
(I remember his name
Depression is a
You never got to see
your sweet[1] daughter
walk the aisle with
her man,
or carry his children,
or raise them
to be the awesome
teens they are today.
Sorry you missed it
I know they miss you.
But...we all cling to life
and make the daily
choice to be happy
and to laugh and ride
no matter how bad it
gets for us.
But every once in a
I still murmur your name.
Greta, what a shame!
Written with the Three Word Wednesday Prompt for 6/13/2012
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Click for the page where this free and fun poetry prompt is found.
You can blog your writing project...then link to it at Three Word Wednesday.