Sermon Notes
Theme: Adventist History
Title: Ellen Whites Last Whisper
Texts: 2 Timothy 1:12
Topic Sentence: We have often contented ourselves with asking the questions: What, When, How Where, Why? But the most important question of faith is Who? (The answer is Jesus)
Ellen White’s Last Whisper (Her final spoken words.) were Scripture. “I know in Whom I have believed.”
Scripture Reading Matthew 7:21-23
Closing Hymn/Song Number: I Know Whom I Have Believed 511
Speaker: Elder O. Kris Widmer:
Date: July 18, 2015
Place: Antioch, California
Commemorating 100 Years
From the Death of Ellen G. White
- Introduction
- This Weekend is Commemoration of Ellen White’s Legacy…on the occasion of 100 years to the Day of her Death.
- EGW Died 1.5 hours from here…at her home…Elmshaven.
- Which was July 16, 1915 at 3:40 p.m.
- PUC is having a big weekend….speakers, art exhibit, etc.
- Elder Jim Pedersen…our Northern Conference President in his prayer at that moment July 16 3:40 is reported saying…
- He acknowledged the sacredness of the place, because angels visited Mrs. White there.
- He gave thanks for her and her guidance to the community.
- Then he asked for forgiveness for the times when we have ignored her advice,
- for when we have put her words above the Bible,
- for when we have used her words to judge other people.
- I have known some of EGW’s living relatives
- Charles White, Pastor in Arizona Now…used to live in Paradise.
- Grace Jaques - used to give the tours at Elmshaven. I have met.
- The Kubrock Family
- Gladys and Daniel Kubrock
- Their Children and Grandchildren
- Still Serving the Church
- I Pastor’ed the Eemshaven Church for 4.5 years.
- I lived 2 Driveways Down…off Glass Mountain Road
- I’ve sung and given communion to the residents of Rosehaven…a nursing home. It’s in Willie White’s old house.
- We…here in Antioch… are marking it by this sermon.
- One of EGW’s 3 funerals was held in what is now Contra Costa County….so nearby.
- Northern California and the Bay Area have deep history in our church…Pacific Press, Healdsburg College, Elmshaven.
- Today’s Sermon: Two Parts…
- A Historical Account of Ellen White’s Death and Burial.
- A Meditation for Us Today…on Ellen White’s Last Whisper. (Inspirational)
- Pause in Adventist Hope. 100 Years. We are still here.
- Body
- First the History….
- In the 6 Volume Biography…grab volume six.
- Last Two Chapters
- Chapter 31 - The Last Mile
- Chapter 32 - The Messenger of the Lord at Rest
- Ellen’s Injury
- On Sabbath Morning, February 13, 1915 Ellen White was entering her study…upstairs at her retirement home at Elmshaven.
- At the age of 87+ she may have reached “shut-in” status.
- She fell.
- Her nurse, May Walling, lifted her to a rocking chair and pulled her through the hall…to the bedroom…got her to bed.
- No 911 Phone Call. No Ambulance.
- Hot and Cold Fomentations were Applied
- Dr. came to her bed…said it was either a sprain or break.
- Painfully she was taken…down stairs, out the house, to a horse drawn buggy…and taken up the hill to St. Helena Sanitarium.
- No Spring Legged Gurney. No Muscular EMT’s
- X-Ray: Broken Femur…at the junction of head and neck.
- Then the painful return trip back to Elmshaven.
- Willie…telegraphed… the news out. "Sabbath noon, Mother, entering her study, tripped and fell, causing an intracapsular fracture to the left femur. "
- As a Tweet, he would still have 28 characters to spare.
- Sunday: the Sanitarium sent down a hospital bed to make her more comfortable.
- Ellen’s Death
- Thus began the next 5 months and 3 days…or the final 153 days of Ellen G. White’s life.
- She had good days and bad days…
- Keeping her sense of humor. “I had a good day - in spots.”
- June…rapid decline…not eating much.
- Friday, July 16…her family and staff gathered around her bed.
- 3:40 p.m. - stopped breathing…after her respirations had reached 10 per minute.
- Willie: “it was like the burning out of a candle…so quiet.”
- Ellen’s Funeral Preparations Were Ready…
- Even today…in the news organizations…they write obituaries in advance…so they are ready. Aged stars, aged politicians. Billy Graham’s obituary is already written. He is 97 this November.
- Elmshaven had already sent pictures and articles to the news papers: California, New York, Michigan.
- All they needed to do was send a telegram.
- Friday…Willie sent that telegram.
- And…they also printed 220 invitations to the first of 3 public services.
- Ellen’s Funerals
- She was served by undertakers - Friday to Sunday
- But Saturday: she was laid out in her bedroom, already in a casket.
- Simple Black… Silver Tag “At Rest”. (We have pictures.)
- Sunday: She was in the living room, downstairs.
- “Visitation” it is called.
- #1 was Sunday 5 p.m.…on the Elmshaven Lawn.
- California Conference President Spoke. Elder Farnsworth.
- Monday morning Willie and Sara McInturfer took her body by train to Richmond
- #2 - The California Camp Meeting was Going On.
- Monday Morning: 1000 People
- They people has asked…knowing she’d be transported their direction.
- “Bring her to camp meeting. If she had been well…she’d be here. She’s been to so many camp meetings.”
- Pacific Union Conference President. E.E. Andross Spoke.
- 3:00 on the Train…East.
- Thursday, July 22…arrival in Michigan.
- Edson and another man got on the train early…and discussed arrangements in route.
- #3 - Battle Creek
- Sabbath Morning July 24, 2014
- 8:00 to 10:30 a.m. Viewing for 2,000 people.
- 11:00 Church was pre-empted by Funeral
- (Confirming my theory that funerals should be worship services.)
- (Confirming my theory that funerals are just fine for a Sabbath event in the church.)
- We have the program from that day.
- Plaform filled with green palm plants and floral tributes.: Broken Wheel, Broken Pillar, Open Bible, Cross
- A.G. Daniels - G.C. President - Life Sketch
- S.N. Haskel - The Message
- 3,500 inside, 1,000 outside.
- And they were not alone either. Many Adventist Churches…nation wide had memorial services…either for church or in the afternoon. Walla Walla did!
- After the service, it was out to the grave.
- Every carriage in the city.
- A few cars
- 9 Street Cars: This is funny: So Adventist
- “No Fares: The church has pre-paid the fare!”
- Later…Willie got a message: All funeral expenses, and his and Sara M.’s travel..paid by a three way split: GC, NAD, RH Publishing. Trains, Casket, Mortitian, Head Stone, Lodging, …from the time of death until they got home to California.
- Everyone went home….
- 6BIO pg 447 - Staff was Separating….going here and there.
- Mtn. View - Pacific Press
- back to Australia
- Willits Pastorate
- RH Publishing
- Home care for step-daughter.
- Crisler: Editor: Final 2 Chapters on Prophets and Kings…then China
- Willie was left…alone.
- Thus Ended Ellen G. White’s Productive Life
- No Computer. No Email.
- A Staff of Helpers and Servants, to be sure.
- 100,000 Adventist World Wide…now there are 19 million.
- 37 Publishing Houses
- 34 Sanitariums
- 70 Intermediate Schools, academies and colleges
- 510 Elementary Schools
- Time in U.S., Europe, Australia.
- 3,000,000 words…long hands
- 5,000 Articles
- 40 Books
- Thousands of Sermons/Talks
- Thousands of one-on-one conferences.
- 2,000 visions and dreams.
- Pretty good for a 5’2’’ tall woman with a broken nose and who had had a stroke back in her mid-life!
- And…still we can’t find the biblical mandate to ordain other women whom God calls and gifts!?
- Scriptural Meditation - Inspiration.
- Now I want to go back to Ellen’s White Last Words.
- They were Whispered.
- Friday, July 9 - Her last spoken words . a Whisper.
- 8 (inclusive) days before her death.
- Quoting Scripture: “2 Timothy 1:12
- “I know in Whom I have believed.”
- Victorians particularly took note and recorded the last words of the dying. They were thought to be important.
- This was put on a Ribbon…and staked to a White Rose Cross at the Battle Creek Funeral…It’s in the pictures of the front of the church and at the grave.
- Body
- Most of us know WHAT we believe.
- 6 Key Divisions: God, Man, Salvation, Church, Christian Life, Last Things
- The S’s - Salvation, Sabbath, Sanctuary, State of the Dead, Second Coming, Stewardship,
- 28 Statements of Belief
- Charts, Graphs, Time Lines
- We have often contented ourselves with asking the questions: What, When, How, Where, Why? But the most important question of faith is Who? (The answer is Jesus)
- What: Topics
- What: Second Coming
- When: Soon
- How: In the Clouds
- How: Power and Glory, Resurrection, Feet won’t touch.
- Where: Earth
- Why: To destroy the Devil and Raise the Dead.
- Who? -
- What: Sabbath
- When: Sundown to Sundown, Seventh-day
- How: No Pleasure, no swimming, no _____
- Where: Church, Nature
- Why?: God said so. 4th Commandment
- Who? - The Lord of the Sabbath, The Sabbath was made for Man.
- What: Sanctuary
- When: 1844
- How: Blood of the Cross
- Where: 2nd Apartment of Heaven (not the second phase of Jesus’ ministry)
- Why: to blott out sins of humanity. To see if you are savable. Doubt.
- Who? : The Heavenly High Priest and Judge is the Savior that LOVES you.
- The Whole Verse 2 Timothy 1:12
- “For this reason I also suffer these things. (vs 8 talks about suffering for the gospel.)
- “But I am not ashamed”…no, Ellen. You had nothing to be ashamed of. Good Job, Girl!
- We as a church should be ashamed of the last 100 years how we twisted and used and abused you.
- It is amazing to me how the General Conference can vote “Confidence in the Spirit of Prophecy” one moment….
- and this weekend celebrate the amazing accomplishments of our first female minister….
- and then ignore all her counsel about men and women being fitted, trained for pastoral ministry on Wed, July 8, 2015.
- How does this happen.
- We are fallen human beings.
- We see through a glass darkly
- We interpret all things through our preconceived cultural biases.
- Only the Spirit can guide us into truth.
- “For I know whom I have believed”
- Faith is not a what, a when, a why, a how, where.
- It’s a WHOM.
- “I am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him…
- What are you trusting to Him, Ellen.
- My Last Whisper
- My Final Breath on July 16, 1915
- My Next Breath on the Resurrection Morning.
- until that day.”
- Which Day is That
- “A great day is coming…heaven’s gates will open wide..”
- “What a day that will be…when my Savior’s face I’ll see…..What a day, glorious day that will be.”
- Bible Verses About Knowing Whom
- John 17:1-3 - This is eternal life…that they may know you…and Jesus Christ Whom You have sent.
- Titus 1:15 - They claim to know God…but their actions deny him.
- Galatians 4:6-9 - formerly you did not know God…but now you know God…rather are known by God.
- Bible Verses About God Knowing Us
- Jeremiah 1:5 - Before I formed you…I knew you.
- Luke 12:7 - The very hairs of your head are numbered.
- Psalm 103:14 - He knows we are but dust…
- Psalm 139:1-5 - You searched me and no me…
- Psalm 139:23 - Search Me…Know Me. Test Me.
- Matthew 7:22 - Jesus says in that day “I never knew you.”
- Matthew 25:12 - Depart from me…I do not know you.
- Luke 13:22-30 - Parable: Owner of the House. “I don’t know you or where you are from.”
- Ellen White Knew God.
- Teen Conversion to Jesus - 1842 Camp Meeting
- One Sermon: Esther and the King….Reach Out and Touch the Septer. God the King will always hold it out to you! It touched her and gave her hope.
- Baptized: at about 15 yrs of age.
- After 1888…Righteousness by Faith…embracing Jesus.
- It’s possible…to know about God…but not know God.
- Formal Religion
- Legal Religion
- Personal Religion
- Conclusion
- This Week….the White Estate Released some Letters and Documents….
- It was hard to figure out exactly what was new on the site I visited.
- But I believe this to be her last written message to her grandchildren.
- Here it is…..
- “Remember the Lord will carry us through.
- I am guarding every moment, so that nothing may come between me and the Lord.
- I hope there will not.
- God grant that we may all prove faithful.
- God grant that we may all prove faithful.
- There will be a glorious meeting soon.” {Ms1-1915 (April 3, 1915) par. 6} to her Grandchildren.
- God grant that we may all prove faithful.
- Closing Song: 511
- Based on 2 timothy 1:12
- It’s perfect.
- “I Know Whom I Have Believed”
- I know not Why
- I know not How
- I now not When
- But I know Who!
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