Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Ellen White and Christmas

Here is a little study sheet I worked up in preparation for a sermon on December 6, 2014 at the Antioch Church.   Happy Reading.

Ellen White and the Holidays
Relevant Readings Relating to Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years
Articles by Mrs. Ellen G White, Listed in Chronological Order
Pertaining to the Holidays...During the Holidays

Collected by Elder O. Kris Widmer, MDiv
December 1-4, 2014, by thumbing through the facsimile reproductions.

Locate Online at:

The White Estate has prepared one document on this topic (in 1962/1989), compiled from parts of 5 articles, indicated by a box.  This compilation document, available on line, is titled "Ellen G. White statements related to the observance of Christmas and Holiday Gifts." The chosen articles are printed in the order from the articles below numbers:  12, 7, 16, 4, 10.  It should be noted that the compilers left out her retelling of the nativity story from RH 12/9/1884, paragraphs 13, 14 and the first 5 sentences from paragraph 15., inserting an ellipse (...).  (Beware, the ellipse!) A more complete picture of her thoughts on the observance of these holidays can be found by reading widely and completely the following items, and I strongly suggest the articles in italics.

1.    RH Dec 17, 1872 - The Advent of the Christ
2.    RH Dec 24, 1872 - The Advent of the Christ 2
3.    RH Nov 21, 1878 - Holiday Presents
4.    RH  Dec 11, 1879 - The Holidays
5.    Manuscript Release 21 - 1880 pg 222 et al   "How Shall We Celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas?"  Partial Manuscript
6.   RH Jan 4, 1881  "The New Year"
7.    RH  Dec 26, 1882 - Holiday Gifts
8.    RH  Jan 1, 1882 - A Happy New Year
9.   ST Jan 3, 1883  "The Old Year and the New"
10.        RH Jan 29, 1884  "Sabbath School Reunion at Healdsburg, Cal" - a recounting of how Ellen White spend a New Years the Healdsburg College (now P.U.C.)
11.        RH  Nov 18,  1884 - The Coming Thanksgiving
12.         RH  Dec 9, 1884 - Christmas is Coming
13.        RH  Dec 16, 1884 - The New Year
14.         RH  Dec 23, 1884 - Thanksgiving Sermon of EGW: Transcript from sermon given 11/27/1884
15.        RH Dec 14, 1886 - The Old Year and the New
16.         RH Extra Dec 11, 1888 - The Inestimable Gift
17.         RH Dec 17, 1889 - Christmas Address to the Young (a MUST read)
18.        RH  Dec 24, 1889  "The Work of Preparing for the New Year"
19.        Manuscript 24  Dec 25, 1889 , published in This Day With God (TDG) entry for Dec 25.  Ellen recounts a Christmas Eve spend at the Battle Creek Tabernacle, speaking at 10:30 p.m., then returning home to a late dinner with her nieces son and his family.
20.        RH  Dec 9, 1890  "Christmas Gifts"
21.        RH  Dec 23, 1890 "An Appeal to the Churches" - this article, while not about the holiday's specifically contains the key ideas she expresses in other articles:  Jesus left glory for you.  Give to Others, Take a soul inventory at the new year.
22.        RH Dec 15,  1891  "The World by Wisdom Knew Not God."  : In this article, at Christmas time, she expresses in Paragraphs 7 and 8 the ideas of the gift of God in coming in Christ to the world.
23.        RH Dec 12, 1892 - Christ Our Hope: Paragraphs 4-7 seem to be build on the idea of Jesus coming to the world.  John 3:16 quoted.  Jesus is the "best gift of heaven" and "the heaven-sent gift."  Good holiday words.
24.        RH  Dec 19, 1893 - Represent Christ in Self Denial: Paragraph 4 stresses not going in debt for gift giving and Paragraph 5 encourages  not spending money on holiday amusements.
25.        RH  Jan 2, 1894 - Look not everyman to his own things. - This seems to reflect her thought about holiday generosity.
26.         RH  12/18, 12/25, 1/1 - Our Duty to the Poor and Afflicted
27.        RH  11/26/1895  Appeal for the Southern Field:  Continued  12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 12/24 - This is quite the holiday appeal for people and funds to help with the blacks in the south.  "Christ left his high command." is the reason.  Christmas words for sure.
28.        RH  Nov 10, 1896  "A Test of Gratitude and Loyalty"
29.        RH  Nov 24, 1896 "The Right Use of God's Gifts"
30.        RH Dec 1, 1896 - "The Right Use of God's Gifts"  Pt. 2 
31.        RH  Dec 8, 1896  "God's Claim on Us"
32.         RH 12/25/1900   "How Much Owest Thou?" - Paragraph 1 -"Tis the Holiday Season"
33.        RH Dec 3, 1901 - Robbing God
34.        RH Dec 10, 1901 - Robbing God, Part 2
35.        RH Dec 17, 1901 "Bring an offering unto the Lord."
36.        RH Dec 23, 1902 "Think on These Things."  "Another year has almost passed into eternity..."
37.        RH 11/15/1906  "Christian Liberality"
38.         RH 12/27/1906  "Shall We Celebrate the Holidays?"

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  Hi This is a little project, that as you can see, has been in a stack of notes for 10 years. Don’t Skip the Third Verse! Hymns With a Vers...