Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving List

Here is our annual list of 100+ things we're thankful to God for.

Try doing your own.
List specific things that you are glad God has blessed you with.

Thanksgiving List
1. God
2. Salvation in Jesus
3. The Cross
4. The Hope of the Resurrection
5. A Home in Heaven
6. Grace
7. The G Chord
8. The Bible
9. Drip Watering Systems
10. USB Thumb Drives
11. Poetry
12. Paper
13. Creative Thought
14. Talking it out
15. Flashlights
16. Pets
17. Carpet Cleaning Services
18. Latex Paint
19. Water Based Primer
20. Paintable Caulk
21. Drop Cloths
22. Realtors
23. Generous People
24. Air Travel
25. David and Susan Woods
26. Maranatha Volunteers International and “Mission Stories”
27. Safe Travel
28. Smiles
29. Laughter
30. Leaf Rakes
31. Knife Sharpeners
32. Mixing Bowls
33. New Recipes
34. Calculators
35. Cell Phones
36. Sleeping Bags
37. Doctors
38. Secrets
39. Having a Job
40. America
41. Clocks
42. Photocopiers
43. Singing
44. Baseboard Molding
45. Hardware Stores
46. Homegrown Anything
47. Sharing
48. Sleeping In
49. Winning Raffle Tickets
50. Successful and Safe Mission Trips
51. Ron and Anu Kedras
52. Medicine
53. The Removal of Slivers
54. MP3 Audio Technology
55. Digital Cameras
56. Rubber Gloves
57. Telephones
58. Rentable Storage Space
59. Curbside Trash Collection
60. PVC Pipe
61. Anointing Oil
62. Prayer
63. Creative Thought
64. Thank You Notes
65. Police
66. Firefighters
67. Paramedics
68. The Desire to Give
69. Book Ends
70. Strike Anywhere Matches
71. Slippers
72. Pumpkin Butter
73. Interstate Highway System
74. Rain
75. Blogs
76. Bible Studies
77. Putts that go in
78. Drives that are straight
79. The Story of the Prodigal Son
80. Apple Boxes
81. Beach Combing
82. The incredible edible egg
83. Sunflower Seeds
84. The Turkey Trot
85. Accomplishing Goals
86. Gas Cans
87. People who stop to help
88. Gloves
89. New Possibilities
90. Glue
91. Air Powered Tools
92. Door Mats
93. Marriage
94. Another Year
95. House Painters
96. All Ten Fingers
97. Library Privileges
98. Google Maps
99. Adhesive Bandages
100. Snow
101. Sheet Protectors
102. The ability to change
103. Losing 20 pounds
104. Basketball
105. Baked Potatoes
106. Food Traditions
107. Indian Food
108. Club Soda
109. Twinkle Lights
110. Wooden Spoons
111. Hot Herb Tea
112. Cornstarch
113. Yogurt
114. Text Messaging
115. Blue Tooth
116. Human Diversity and Differences
117. Polenta
118. Weather Stipping

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  Hi This is a little project, that as you can see, has been in a stack of notes for 10 years. Don’t Skip the Third Verse! Hymns With a Vers...