Monday, June 30, 2008

Pastoral Changes

There are many changes taking place in the Northern California Conference this summer. There are about 10 teacher and 8 pastoral positions being eliminated through retirement, attrition, redistricting and reassignments.

One change announced at the June board meeting was the transfer of the Shasta Lake Bible Fellowship from the administration of Pastor Kris Widmer, to the administration of Pastor Jim Crabtree.

Pastor Jim and Judy Crabtree have been in the North State for over 10 years, and come with a wealth of friendly ministry for Jesus. They will be a wonderful asset to the ministry of the church. They are no strangers to the Redding community, as Judy works in town during the week.

Pastor Crabtree will now be responsible for a two church district, combining his attention with the Mt. Shasta church and the Shasta Lake Bible Fellowship.

Pastor Widmer's last official sabbath at the Shasta Lake Bible Fellowship will be July 12.

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  Hi This is a little project, that as you can see, has been in a stack of notes for 10 years. Don’t Skip the Third Verse! Hymns With a Vers...