Saturday, December 05, 2020

Tell Me the Story of Jesus - Verses Used


Tell Me the Story of Jesus
Verses for Sermon at Antioch Seventh-day Adventist Church on December 5

John 1:1-13
Colossians 1:15-20
Colossians 2:9-10
Hebrews 1:1-3
Revelation 12:7-10
Genesis 3:14-15
Genesis 18:1, 17 ff
Genesis 28:12-14
Joshua 1-7
Judges 6:11-24
Daniel 9:24-27
John 1:14
Luke 1:26 ff
Matthew 1:18 ff
Luke 1:1-38
Revelation 12:1-5
Matthew 2:1 ff
Luke 3:2 ff
Luke 4 :1-13
Matthew 4:18 ff

Matthew 5:1-12
Luke 15:11 ff
Luke 8:40 ff
John 11
Mark 11:1-11
Mark 11:15-19
Matthew 23:2-ff
Matthew 26:17 ff
Matthew 26:36 ff
Matthew 27:15 ff

7 Words of Jesus from the Cross
Luke 23:34
Luke 23:43
John 19:26, 27
Matthew 27:46
John 19:28
John 19:30
Luke 23:46

Matthew 27:50 ff
Matthew 28:1 ff
Mark 16:9-11
Luke 24:13 ff
John 20:24 ff
Acts 1:6 ff
Philippians 2:5 ff
Acts 2:29ff
Hebrews 7:23 – 8:6; 8: 24 ff
Romans 8:31 ff
Hebrews 12:1-3
Ephesians 1:19-23
1 Corinthians 15:20-28
John 16:5ff
John 14:1-3
1 Thessalonians 4:14-17
Revelation 14:14-16
Revelation 19:1-116
Revelation 21
Revelation:  Every phrase about the LAMB.  Read Revelation, and highlight them in your Bible!

Some verses/stories were omitted due to time realities.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Pomegranate Jelly - Eunice Widmer


Pomegranate Jelly – Mrs. Eunice Mae (Olson) Widmer

            Typed by O. Kris Widmer, her son November 14, 2020

Open Kettle Method

This recipe has been in use making jelly in our family for 40+ years.
It started in La Sierra/Riverside, using the fruit from 3 backyard trees, from trees near my dad’s office and anywhere else we could get them.  She used to do it herself alone, and then Andrea L. (Widmer) Barker joined her, giving away the beautiful jelly to friends and work associates.  Later, the Barker Bunch (David, Kristine and Jonathan) would help, along with anyone who was visiting their house at the time of production.

Eunice would always read a passage from the Bible about how pomegranates were on the bottom of the high priests garments in the wilderness tabernacle, and then she would say a prayer before the jelly was boiled, thanking God for the “holy juice” and asking a blessing on the process of making it and on every receiver…and asking that every jar would hermetically seal.

The Barker/Widmer jelly factory prepares to make 6 batches at a time, yielding 36 jars of jelly at a time.  Any foam or dregs from any batch is put in a container, refrigerated and eaten as “first fruits” in the days ahead.



3 ½ Cups Pomegranate Juice
Current #1 Method of Obtaining Juice:  
Purchasing it by the gallon from any supplier you can find.
Current #2 Method of Obtaining Juice:
We have a Manual Hand Crank Press Juicer…used for oranges, lemons.
Wash fruit in hot water in the sink or bin.
Cut fruit into halves or sections to fit in juicer and press.
Watch for rotten, moldy sections…and cut them out or discard whole fruit.
Pour this juice through strainer to catch seeds, pulp, etc.
Put into recycled juice containers or gallon jugs.
Refrigerate until “jelly day.”

¼ Cup Lemon Juice (Fresh Squeezed)
Wash Lemons in some warm water
2020 we juiced 30 large lemons, yielding 3 Quarts
  We figure on 2 quarts for annual production.
Turn the left over juice and pomegranate juice into pink lemonade

1 pkg (1 ¾ oz) of powdered pectin (Sure Jell)

4 ¼ Cups Granulated Sugar (It is jelly after all!)

6 Jelly Jars (8 oz) and 6 lids and rings per batch.

Tongs, Hotpads, Towels, etc. as needed
Metal Spoon for Skimming Foam Off Cooked Jelly

Wash jars and lids/rings in dishwasher.  
We put lids/rings in a mesh bag in the top rack.
Set up a smaller kettle of water on a low boil
as a hot bath for the clean rings/lids to be hot and ready.
Place metal skimmer spoon in this water bath to sterilize it too.
Measure out sugar into bowls so they are at the ready 
Measure out lemon juice into small bowls so they are at the ready
Unbox Sure Jell packages…so they are at the ready.
Heat oven to 225 deg F
Put jelly jars (6 per batch) on baking sheets and place in oven.
Put 6 lids/rings in the water bath, when you add the sugar.

1. In a LARGE kettle measure in pomegranate juice. 
(Large kettle prevents boil overs)
2 Add lemon juice and powdered pectin, stir to dissolve and place on stove to cook.
3. Bring to a boil over high heat, stirring constantly.
4. Add sugar, stirring constantly, and bring again to a rolling boil for 2 full minutes.
5.  Remove from heat and skim off any foam into a container to sample soon.
6.  Remove hot jars from oven to a heat proof counter and…
7.  Pour or Ladle Jelly into the jars, leaving ¼ inch of “head space” at the top.
8.  Seal with rings/lids from the hot water bath.
9. Place filled jars on a table (protecting surface) under a large towel, to allow slow cooling (Probably Overnight)
10.  Listen to the lids as they pop/seal.  Yay!
11.  Wipe off any sticky residue from the cooled jars, and rebox: store in a cool, dark place.
12.  Eat on anything or in anything you would use jelly.
13.  Makes a beautiful gift to the discerning jelly connoisseur.

Jalapeno Version
Chop 6 jalapeno peppers into LARGE PIECES and remove seeds.
Boil with Pomegranate Juice/Lemon Juice for 10 minutes.
Strain Pepper Pieces Out
Return to Stove…Add Pectin and Return to a Boil
Add Sugar, Boil for 2 minutes…and follow the above from there.

Wednesday, February 05, 2020

A few thoughts on Marriage and Divorce and Remarriage
Leaving this here.

I’ve been working on a theology of divorce and remarriage…many of the sections are titled with a word that starts with the letter A.

            The oft quoted and cited Matthew 19:9
            But in context Matthew 19:1-12…Jesus appeals to the creation ideal as preventing divorce for any reason (vs 4-6)…but then recognizes in a sinful world we are all “hard hearted” people, so divorce (and remarriage) is necessary and permitted (vs 8, 9).  The disciples understand and conclude that perhaps it is better not to marry (vs 10) and then Jesus speaks about the people who are born or made sexually unable to copulate or procreate.  This passage on eunuchs is just beginning to be understood for  its implications with our love and care for the LGBTIAQ people of the world; especially our intersex and transgender family, friends and neighbors.

            Ephesians 5:25-32
            Failure to love “as Christ loved the church.” vs 25 – Sacrificial Love
            Failure to love her body as his own body. vs 28
            No man husband hates his own flesh (vs 29) but he displays hatred for her flesh by abuse? 
            Failure to nourish and cherish her…as he does himself. vs 29

            Abuse can be physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, financial, social, etc.
            If he hits and beats her….
            If he isolates her from family and friends…
            If he belittles her in private or public…
            If he plays mind games…
            If he says “It’s my money” rather than “our money.”…
            If he adopts a lifestyle she didn’t see coming…(alcohol use/abuse for example)
            98.99% of the time it is the male “strong vessel” that abuses the female “weaker vessel.”

            I would tell a woman coming to me with the trauma of an abusive relationship… “The first time he hits you; is the last time he touches you.”  Get safe.  Many women die each year at the hands of their abusive boyfriends and husbands.

See: 1 Corinthians 7 – Study/Read the whole chapter…and find meaning and purpose for marriage then and now from the suggestions of Paul.  Be careful…for if you conclude that Paul insists on celibate singleness for the end-time saints (then and now)…then there is to be no marriage…for the last 2000 years, since he inked those words.  And then how would the human race have survived?  Is the mandate “be fruitful and multiply” still valid?  Is it still “not good for humans to be alone?” and all that.

1 Corinthians 7:10-16
Paul encourages the believing spouse to stay in their relationships. vs 12-14. 
In Adventism, we are mandated as pastors to not conduct marriages for interfaith relationships. An Adventist that eats haystacks and has a sundown calendar on the refrigerator may have turmoil with a Baptist that eats porkchops or a Lutheran that watches college football.  True. But then we will make an interfaith marriage in the baptistery at the close of our evangelistic meetings…when one member decides to be baptized…the other one doesn’t.

Perhaps that is what Paul was dealing with.  A former Jewish couple  is now changed, when one of them accepts Jesus as the Messiah, the risen one who was to come.  A former Pagan, Gentile couple is now changed, when one of them accepts Jesus as the Messiah.  In Corinth, there must have been many interfaith marriage: a believer with a non-believer.  Well…what to do then?

He invites the believer to stay in the marriage, and if the unbeliever consents to still live with their spouse, even though they have this new “Christian” faith and lifestyle. (“Wait…you want to give how much of “our” money to the poor fund in Jerusalem!) then by all means…stay together, work it out.  For the believer sanctifies (brings holiness and God) the home, the spouse and the children. (vs 14)

But what happens to that Christian spouse when their unbelieving spouse leaves?  Abandonment.  (“Wait…You are NOT circumcising my son!  You want to do what on Saturdays now?...)  If the unbelieving one leaves…let them leave.  The brother or sister is NOT UNDER BONDAGE IN SUCH CASES. (VS 15). (Emphasis mine)

I interpret this to mean that that suddenly single spouse that follows the Savior…would be free to remarry someone who would love them again…and also love God…and their kids.

Abstinence (Sexual)…that is chronic and longstanding
(Sexual Incompatibility)
1 Corinthians 7:1-5
Paul advocates singleness as the ideal end-time living arrangement vs 1 (and vs 7, 8 & 26) – Thanks, Paul!
But because of the sexual drive of humanity and because of immoralities, he concedes that getting married is O.K. – vs 2 – Thanks, Paul!
Paul teaches that each partner in the marriage has a “duty” to be a meaningful and fulfilling sexual partner. vs 3:  Both are entitled to getting their needs for pleasure and intimacy met by their spouse. – Thanks, Paul!
Paul teaches that when you get married…you don’t have authority over your own body anymore.  vs 4.  The implication is that all of one’s sexual capacity belongs to the other.  He has rights to her genitalia…and She has rights to his.  – Thanks, Paul!
Paul teaches that there should only be brief times of sexual separation – sexual fasting – during times of prayer, for example…but then “come together”, lest Satan tempt you to look elsewhere for sexual fulfillment. vs 5. – Thanks, Paul!

1 Timothy 3:3 (1 Timothy 3:1-13  Read the whole section and apply these character qualities to marriage…and see what you come up with.)

While this is in the context of counsel for overseers/elders in the church…it is applicable to good spouse behavior.
Above Reproach
Able to Teach
Not addicted to wine vs 3  (or tobacco or drugs)
            Alcohol has ruined millions of marriage relationships.
Not pugnacious
Free from the love of money
Good management skills
a history of belief/faith (not a new convert)
good reputation inside and outside the church
These are all good things to have in any spouse too – male or female.

In Summary:
1 Peter 3:7
When a man lacks understanding of his wife.
He fails to build her up as the “weaker vessel”
Granting her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life
-       His prayers are hindered.

When a man does things that cause his prayers to be hindered…
When even God stops listening to him…certainly it is likely that his wife stopped listening before that.
And while God may hear his confession and grant forgiveness…sometimes it is too much and too late to expect the wife to grant forgiveness.

Why do we always expect the wronged partner to forgive…when we often don’t expect the wronging partner to change the way they are living and relating?  Part of the double standard, male preference and male dominated culture of the patriarchy handed down to us by the male headship of old and the resurgence of male headship ideology today.

vs 8 –
When a husband or wife is not this…it could be over.

Breaking of Trust
etc, etc, etc.
When a husband or wife is this…it will likely end soon.

I’m not talking a one time thing….
But over time; harmful actions, words and behaviors can and do break the bond of love and wound the soul of the other.  When this happens, divorce often occurs.

The breaking of the marriage vow includes
more than a physical act of joining body parts in a bed
(Though it certainly includes that.)
It is a breaking of the marriage promise.
To be faithful.
To love
To honor
To cherish

When love dies…the marriage is over.
Then…Of course…the two partners are free to remarry.

Remember a wife couldn’t divorce her husband in the Bible era.
She was property…bought for with a dowry/bride price given to her father.

Fact is divorce happens.
Be nice to divorcees.
Stop trying to figure out who is “guilty” or “the offender.”
Be gracious and forgiving to all.
The pain of divorce carries it’s own consequences…
            the good saints in the church need not make it any worse
             in the fellowship of the faithful.

That is all.
A few of my thoughts.

Hey…I’m not writing a book here.

  Hi This is a little project, that as you can see, has been in a stack of notes for 10 years. Don’t Skip the Third Verse! Hymns With a Vers...