Theme: Reflections on the Incarnation and the Passion
Title: "...they
took off the purple..."
Text: Mark 15:16-20, Philippians 2:5-11, 2 Corinthians 8:9
Author: O. Kris
First Preached: December 14, 2013
Antioch Seventh-day
Adventist Church
O. Kris Widmer
1. Introduction: Christmas
a. I hear more questions about Christmas these days....
b. Should we observe Christmas at all?
c. Should we do it on December 25?
d. How should we observe it...what symbols/rituals?
i. There is the Jesus Christmas
ii. There is the Santa Christmas
iii. There is the Winter Christmas
e. My Background...
i. Christmas in my home.
ii. Christmas in my community.
iii. Narration of the Angel Voice back stage.
iv. Christmas Play at Corona
v. The Messiah (Christmas Passages) in Church Choir.
1. La Sierra Academy
2. Corona
3. Ukiah
4. Hayfork
5. Redding
vi. Christmas Programs at School
f. Conclusions
i. Yes...We shall observe Christmas.
ii. Ellen White has good balanced counsel....
iii. It gives us opportunity to be selfless...rather than
self-centered and selfish.
iv. Children and Youth need something meaningful...and to
feel special...guide them away from self.
v. Give realistic gifts (usually hand made back in the
1800's)...that's fine.
vi. And....give to God's work in the world.
vii. We celebrate Christmas....but not as those who only
know Santa! We know Jesus.
We don't judge
those who do and we don't judge those who don't. Romans 14.
2. The Bible Tells Many Christmas Stories…an Ongoing
a. The Normal
Christmas Passages.
i. Matthew - Wisemen, Herod, Joseph
ii. Luke - Shepherds, Mary and Joseph
iii. John - Word Made Flesh
b. Other Non-Obvious Christmas Passages.
c. Exodus 3:8 – I have come down to deliver them –
i. The Moses Jesus Typology.
d. Psalm 113:5, 6
i. Who humbles himself to behold the things in heaven and
e. Psalm 136:23
i. Who remembered us in our low estate – born in a barn.
f. Isaiah 57:15
i. I dwell in the high and holy place, and with the
contrite and lowly of spirit.
g. Daniel 9:24-27
i. Find a decree…do the math!
ii. 457 to 27, 31, 34 – Jesus the Messiah
h. John 1:1,3, 9, 14
i. The word is from forever past with God.
ii. The word lights every man.
iii. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We beheld his Glory.
i. John 18:37
i. Jesus to Pilate:
For this cause I was born.
j. Romans 1:3
i. Made of the seed of David...according to the flesh.
ii. Declared song of God...by the resurrection of the
k. Romans 8:3
i. What the law couldn’t do…God did, by sending his son
in the likeness of sinful flesh, an offering for sin.
2 Corinthians 8:9
i. Though he was rich
ii. Yet for your sakes he became poor (manger)
iii. So…that you might become rich.
m. Galatians 4:4-8
i. When the fullness of time was come…God sent forth his
son, born of a woman.
n. Galatians 4:19
i. I’m like a laboring women…
ii. Until Christ is formed in you.
Philippians 2:5-7
i. Equal with God…
ii. But emptied himself into the form of a man.
iii. Death
iv. A Cross Death.
v. Now Highly Exalted!
p. Hebrews 1:2,3
q. Hebrews 2:14
r. 1 Timothy 3:16 – Common Confession of Faith
i. Jesus revealed in the flesh
ii. Vindicated in the Spirit
iii. Beheld by Angles
iv. Proclaimed among the nations
v. Believed on in the world
vi. Taken up in Glory.
s. 1 John 1:1,2
t. 1 John 4:2
u. Revelation 12:1-5
i. A woman is pregnant
ii. She has the baby.
iii. Baby is attacked by “The Dragon”
iv. Baby is caught up to God’s Throne! Vs 5
Comparison of Today's
Preaching Passage (Mark 15).....
Synoptic Sections
Matthew 27:27-31
Soldiers of the Governor in the Common Hall
Stripped Him
Mock King Cape... scarlet robe
Mocking Crown...or Thorns
Mock Scepter....reed.
Mock Bowing....jest
Mock Verbal Tribute..."Hail...."
Mock acknowledgement....Spit
Mock ....strike with reed.
Took off that robe
Put on his own clothes...again.
Led him away to crucify...with glee and laughter.
Mark 15:16-20
Soldiers to the Pretorium...
Clothed Him in Purple
Mocking Crown...of thorns.
Mock Salute...Satire
Mock Bowing....jest.
They took off the purple.
Let him away to crucify him...with glee and laughter.
Luke 22:63-65 - The Temple
The men that held Jesus mocked him.
Smote Him.
Blindfolded him.
"Prophecy, who it is that hit you." Seer!
Many other things they irreverently spake against him.
Luke 23:11 - Herod and
Company (Soldiers)
"set him at naught." - treated him as a nothing
a thing and not a person.
Mocked Him.
Arrayed Him in a gorgeous robe...
and sent him back to Pilate.
Luke Does Not Record the Roman Guards in the Praetorium
vs 25 - merely mentioning
"He delivered Jesus to their will
John 19:1
Scourged by Pilate
Crown of Thorns
Purple robe
Mock Tribute "Hail..."
Hand Abuse - smote
vs 5 - Behold the Man!
vs 14 - Behold Your King! (Pilate's Mockery)
We have meditations on the ceremony of arrival in
heaven...post cross.
Ascension Passage...with angels remaining by.
Psalm 24 -
Lift Up Your Heads....the King is Coming!
DA Chapter
87 "To My Father and Your Father"
DA 833 -
We have hints of the grand ceremony of the heavenly
pre-advent judgment
Daniel 7
Day of
Atonement - Lev 16
When the
Son came to the Father....in a heavenly transition of ministry.
What about a pre-incarnation ceremony?
is a time to think about the incarnation?
Corinthians 8:9
The Incarnation an Unfathomable Mystery—In
contemplating the incarnation of Christ in
humanity, we stand baffled before an unfathomable mystery, that the human mind
cannot comprehend. The more we reflect upon it, the more amazing does it
appear. How wide is the contrast between the divinity of Christ and the
helpless infant in Bethlehem’s manger! How can we span the distance between the
mighty God and a helpless child? And yet the Creator of worlds, He in whom was
the fullness of the Godhead bodily, was manifest in the helpless babe in the
manger. Far higher than any of the angels, equal
with the Father in dignity and glory, and yet wearing the garb of humanity! Divinity
and humanity were mysteriously combined, and man and God became one. It is in
this union that we find the hope of our fallen race.
was the Commander of heaven, one equal with God, and yet He condescended to lay
aside His kingly crown, His royal robe, and clothed His divinity with humanity.
The incarnation of Christ in human flesh is a mystery.
5 Vol BC...commentary
on John 1.
world has been visited by the Majesty of heaven, the Son of God. “God so loved
the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him
should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Christ came to this world as the
expression of the very heart and mind and nature and character of God. He was
the brightness of the Father’s glory, the express image of His person. But He
laid aside His royal robe
and kingly crown, and stepped down from His high command to take the place of a
servant. He was rich, but for our sake, that we might have eternal riches, He
became poor. Ellen G. White
Q - Why is the Birth of Jesus worth celebrating?
A - It is the tangible visible beginning of the plan of
salvation...for us.
We can't see the incarnation.
No human action
began the life of Christ.
We can't see the pregnancy.
A child is formed
in secret in the wormb.
But then....
Birth (We can relate
to a baby in a mother's arms.)
Christ's birth is the tangible visible and earthly start of
the plan.
Let the salvation begin.
Let your imagination join mine for these
few moments
in the Christmas season...
(We are told to spend a thoughtful hour each day
contemplating the life of Jesus.
especially the closing scenes.)
It would be well to spend a thoughtful hour each day
reviewing the life of Christ from the manger to Calvary. We should take it
point by point and let the imagination
vividly grasp each scene, especially the closing ones of His earthly life.
By thus contemplating His teachings and sufferings, and the infinite sacrifice made
by Him for the redemption of the race, we may strengthen our faith, quicken our
love, and become more deeply imbued with the spirit which sustained our
Saviour. {1TT 515.3}
....He consented to have scorn, mockery, and abuse fall upon
Him in order to shield us. It was our transgression that gathered the veil of
darkness about His divine soul and extorted the cry from Him, as of one smitten
and forsaken of God. He bore our sorrows; He was put to grief for our sins. He
made Himself an offering for sin, that we might be justified before God through
Him. Everything noble and generous in man will respond to the contemplation of
Christ upon the cross.
So....pull up a chair today....I'd like to read you a Christmas story.
A Christmas story we have known about....
But we've never heard in quite this way before.
A Christmas Story begun in my devotional journal...
And completed in this sermon outline.
A thought that has been bouncing in my brain since July.
Ponder the moment just
before the incarnation.
Just before the Holy Spirit came upon Mary...and she was
"with child."
Ponder a moment just
before the crucifixion....
the moment the incarnation was for!
The Cradle....leads to the The cross....
Remarkable Parallels.
Ponder the contrast and parallels between
the soldiers of heaven (Angels)
at the
departure of Jesus from heaven, prior to the incarnation.
and the soldiers of earth. (Romans)
and the
abuse of Jesus in the Pratorium, prior to the cross.
departure of Jesus...to the cross.
Jesus' final moments in heaven....and his final moments
before the cross...
In this meditation entitled...
"...they took off the
From Luke 23:24 "Pilate
pronounced sentence
that their demand should be
Him....and crucify Him.
The Passion: Consider
this act of ridicule
Pilate was unwilling to grant the death of Jesus...but did
it anyway.
He had tried every trick and loophole...but had succumbed to
political pressure.
So...it was done.
"Take Him...Crucify Him."
"Wash My hands."
Then Pilate went in for a Friday morning brunch.
While Jesus was taken away...
The Incarnation: Consider this act of Reverence:
But long ago....
In the Heavens Above....The Ruler of the Universe (God)
"The fullness of time has come."
"Let us go and redeem the people created in our
Let the Son of God go....and fulfill the plan of
Let the Sacrifice of the Lamb...begin.
The Son of God...from the foundation of the world.. said -
"Take me, should the need arise...
....and crucify me.
I will die for anyone, anywhere, anytime."
16 - The soldiers took him away (Force)...
The Passion: Behold this act of ridicule.
Jesus has been passed from hand to hand and jurisdiction to
jurisdiction all night.
Arrested by temple guards and the night rabble...
Caiaphas, Annas, Caiaphas
Pilate, Herod, Pilate...
6 portions of one trial.
He is taken away....
but we are reminded that
"He could have called ten thousand
angels to destroy the world...
and set him free."
He could have....
They were standing by...unseen.
But he didn't.
But he died alone...for you and me.
The Incarnation: Behold this act of reverence....
A day came in heaven when it was time for Jesus to depart
the heavenly realms and experience a forever change - from eternal God to the
additional nature of the eternal merger of the nature of man.
No one had to "take" him anywhere.
No one had to force him.....
He did it willingly...and voluntarily....
The angels of God accompanied Jesus from the throne of the
He who eternally had been equal with God....
eternally facing outward -
now stepped forward and down.....to a middle platform of the
throne of God....
and turned and faced the father in a position of
He lowered his gaze from the eyes of the Father...
His taking the form of a servant...had begun.
He thought equality with God not to be a thing to be held
onto at all costs.
He emptied himself.
Philippians 2 - Paraphrased.
vs 16 - into the palace
(that is the Praetorium)
The Palace
of Pilate vs the Palace of Heaven.
How different these two residences.
One is the residence of a man appointed by a higher up...a
One is the residence of the ones in whom there is life:
un-borrowed and un-derived. There is no one higher up that God
Both apparently have a place where the guardians hang
This is where they pass the time while they are on
duty...but not on assignment.
Like a
Heavenly Fire House....
Waiting for
the Alarm to Sound.
A Place
with Couches and Kitchen
A TV and a
checker board and other games to pass the time.
The Passion: Behold this act of ridicule:
For the earthly guards - the roman guards - , it appears to
be a place of bawdy laughter and have ready implements for inflicting
pain. Whips. Whipping Post. Spears.
Prods. Blindfolds. Chains.
Shackles. It is a place prisoners
fear to be led...and sigh as they enter.
The last
stop in their life as a living person.
The first
stop on their journeys as "dead men walking."
The Incarnation: Behold this act of reverence:
In the heavenly praetorium, it is a place of joyful
laughter, with implements for intervening, preventing danger. Think of that fire house...where the celestial
vehicles stand polished at the ready and every bin has something in it that has
proved useful in helping mankind.
There are "jaws of eternal life" and "nozzles
to extinguish hellish fires.".
There are scripts for birth announcements
and an entire room devoted to weights;
a work out
room for the angels that excel in strength.
The heavenly angel dispatch center....
Like a
Marine Barracks....
Gear at the
To Do the
Bidding of the Commander in Chief.
16 - The called together the whole (roman) cohort.
The Passion - Behold
this act of ridicule:
"Hey, Marcellus.
Come on...you'll want to see this one.
No...he's not a rebel. He's a king. And His people have kicked him out...and they
want us to kill him for them!"
The word spread quickly through the barracks...Even soldiers
who were off duty, pulled on their boxers and tee-shirts, threw on a pair of
sandals and hustled off to stand in the back and watch. This one was going to be different. It could be fun.
The Incarnation: Behold this act of reverence:
"Yes, Gabriel, We will be there. We knew the time was getting close, we just
didn't know the day or the hour. Full
Dress, Class A, Uniform. We will be
They called together every angel of heaven. And none, save those on assignment to the
farthest reaches of the Universe, failed to show up. There were thousands of them...and tens of
thousand. Myriads of them streamed in,
as shooting stars over the course of a couple weeks to be present and accounted
for at the roll call of the ministering spirits of God.
17 - And they dressed him in purple.
The Passion: Behold
this act of shame:
To take an ordinary looking man. Just a common man, now in a robe that is
flecked and drizzled in bloody sweat from his ordeal in Gethsemane.
First they strip him down.
Naked. They take off his
clothes...and he stands before them...in all His circumcised glory. "He doesn't look like a god now, does
he." one remarks. "Well,"
one snickers, "He's obviously a Jew."
With his hands tied behind his back, he cannot cover his front.
Then, they cover him...in purple, the color of royalty. It is a costume of contempt.
He wears it well. It
is from the Praetorium rag box; perhaps left over from the recent execution of
a well-to-do person or perhaps the crimson cape of one of the soldiers. Their spur-of-the-moment goal is to make him
look like the artist's rendition of their Caesar that hangs in the hall just
outside these chambers. Or perhaps to
appear like the man who had just washed his hands of these matters, Pontius
Pilate. Anyone who is in authority
will do.
"Hah," someone in the back sneers. "Finally!
He is dressed for this occasion."
The Incarnation: Behold
this act of respect:
Jesus, who is very God and eternal God, stands before the
Father in his ordinary dress of a working God.
But now, there is a ceremony of honor.
He who spends his days looking like an ordinary angel, albeit
the Arch angel, shall be elevated, as if to remind the thousands watching who He
really is. He is the first born of
creation. He is the bright and morning
star. He is the fairest of 10,000. He is the Desire of all nations. He is the Desire of Ages! He is the only begotten of the Father. He is the seed of the woman, the one who
shall crush the rebellion...with love.
And so now...one of the actual covering cherubs of the
actual mercy seat of the throne...slips over to a golden chest and lifts it's
gilded lid. She reaches in and with great
love and ceremony lifts from its usual resting place the purple robe of regal
She takes hold of the edges of the collar and lets it unfurl
to its full beauty, with the insignia of the Three-In-One. She comes up behind her friend, her Master, her
God and places it tenderly around the shoulders of Him to whom it belongs.
Now He is finally dressed for this occasion.
vs 17 - and weaving a crown
of thorns, they put it on him.
The Passion: Behold
this act of mockery:
"Wait..I have another idea," a soldier calls
out. He dashes from the Praetorium and
is gone a few moments, while the other soldiers inside check to make sure their
victim's hands are tied good and tight and then adjust the purple cloth about
his shoulders.
Shortly after that, the erranding soldier returns with three
long, green tendrils of the thorn bush that grows in the court yard. After taking a measurement of the condemned's
head, with gloved hands, he twists together a circle of brambles. "Every
King needs a crown!"
He is proud of himself, having been able to add such a
twisted element to their twisted festivities.
He takes his finished product and places it roughly on Jesus' head, and
then snatches up a table tray and uses it to protect his own hands as he makes
sure every barb in contact with Jesus' scalp has punctured skin and drawn
blood. "There you go, You Majesty."
The Incarnation: Behold this act of reverence.
The other covering cherub now slips over to that same golden
chest and reaches into the bottom. The
Son of God does not often wear the symbols of His rightful place, the one in
whom rests all authority in heaven and earth and under the earth. The one who has created the numberless
galaxies that swirl out in the farthest reaches of dark space. But this day He shall wear them.
The cherub slowly brings from the chest a purple slip cover
and then folds back the fabric flap. As
he does so, glorious light pours forth from this practical pouch. He reaches inside and withdraws the crown of
the Son of God. All burnished gold pales
in comparison to this circle of celestial brightness, that throws off bolts of
musical lightening in all directions.
To ordinary mankind, it would appear hot, but the cherub
holds it regally in his bare hands; then he turns and with great ceremony and dignified
gate, he strides to the Son of God and places it softly upon his holy
head. It fits perfectly as it always
had. and seems to glow even brighter for it is now where it rightly
"There you go, Your Majesty."
vs 18 - "and they began
to acclaim Him. "Hail, King of the Jews."
The Passion: Behold this act of ridicule.
The roman grunts didn't know who
they had there before them and at their mercy.
His paper work said "Occupation:
Carpenter"...and that was crossed out.
An addendum on form E-3114 said
"Teacher/Healer"...and someone had written in front of that....in
"King of the Jews" their
paper work read.
But they all knew the party line
too: "We have no king but Caesar." and "Herod is our
So...out of their mouths those
sarcastic words.
Words on the surface that sound respectful.
"Hail!" and "Long
Live the King."
full well that this king didn't have long to live at all.
The Incarnation: Behold this act of reverence:
As Jesus is now dressed in his rightful and regal robe and
crown, thousands of thousands kneel before him.
"Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and is and
who is to come. (Revelation 4:8) Worthy are you, Our Lord...for You have
created all things and because of Your will they exist and were made to
be. (Revelation 4:11)
"Worthy are you to save the human race...for only you
can be slain and live again. On this
mission, you shall purchase with your own blood men from every tribe, tongue,
race and nation. Together, they shall be
your priesthood....and ultimately reign again on the earth. Worthy are you...who shall be slain. You shall receive all power, riches, wisdom,
power and honor and glory and blessing.
(Revelation 5:10,11,12, 13)
"The kingdom of the world will now become the kingdom of our Lord
and of His Christ; He will reign forever
and forever." (Revelation 11:15, 16
and 17)...
"We give You thanks, O Lord God, the Almighty, who is
and was and is to come; because You have taken Your great power and now will
begin to reign!" (Revelation
11:17) "The nations are in an
uproar...and it is not time for the judgment.
It is time for Your servants - prophets and saints - to receive their
long over-due rewards. Those who fear
Your name...small and great will get their forever rewards...and those who
destroy the earth will be destroyed."
Revelation 11:18
"Hallelujah! Salvation and
glory and power belong to you Our God.
(Revelation 19:1)"
For the Lord Our God, The Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory
to Him.
"We are finally done with the promises...it's time for
the fulfillment.
We are finally done with the long engagement...it's finally time
for the marriage. God is going to say
His vows to his people....on a cross...
and sign the
certificate in his own blood.
(Revelation 19:9)
vs 19 - and they kept
beating His head with a reed.
The Passion: Behold this act of ridicule
The mockery of the "King of the Jews" has now
taken on a life of it's own. Others join
in with new sadistic ideas. We are told
in the gospel of Matthew that someone had the idea of giving this king a scepter -
So...a reed...a stick was snatched up from somewhere. Perhaps it was an old broom handle or a wooden
scrub brush from the latrine. The
filthier the better.
It was placed in Jesus' hands, still bound together by rope
or chain at an uncomfortable angle.
There are raw marks on his wrists.
Robe - Check
Crown - Check
Words of Allegiance and Respect
spoken in Jest - Check
Scepter - Check
And then that sadistic scepter became
a club.
It was snatched - more than once
from his quivering hands -
and used to smash the thorny crown
just a little deeper into his head.
The Incarnation: Behold
this act of reverence
The covering cherubs move together now....back to that
golden box and together reach in and pull another item from it's purple
case. It requires four angelic arms to
carry it for it is quite heavy - being solid gold; though when the Son of God
holds it, it appears light and weightless.
They bring it to the Word...and kneel before him and present
it to him handle first. It is the
scepter of the King of Kings.
Robe -
Crown -
Words of
Allegiance and Respect...spoken in Truth - Check
Scepter -
vs 19 - "and spitting
at Him."
The Passion: Behold this act of ridicule
It still means the same, doesn't
it. In 2000 years it still means the
same. No way to change the meaning of clearing
your throat of phlem, gathering the saliva found in the mouth...and expelling
it forcefully towards the face of another.
In any language and in any
culture...we know what it means.
You are nothing to me!
First one...then another...then
more....spits at and spits on Him.
It lands on his "robe",
"crown", "scepter".....
chest, shoulders, neck
and face.
and wet....
stained with the ancient equivalent of chewing tobacco...
some with food particles of a snack being chewed
dribbles down the face of one who
had also spit....
into a little pile of dirt...
and used that clay to heal a blind
He cannot lift his hands to wipe
it away.
are bound together and also held tight to a rope around his waist.
So he stands there
as it dribbles down
his cheeks
his nose
his chin
his beard
until it drops off
and splats at his feet.
Such is the wicked way that the
soldiers "anointed" the King of the Jews.
The Incarnation: Behold this act of reverence.
As the scepter was being placed in
the hands of the Christ...
Other angels came forward with a
golden bowl...from the throne of God.
The Son of God...is to be the
Christ....the anointed of God
And so they anoint him.
The two covering cherubs dip their
hands in the bowl.
Cupping golden fluid.
and then drizzle it over the
crown, the robe, the scepter
It pools in his hair,
It runs in rivulets down his
forehead, cheek, nose and chin...
Until it falls
dripping off
and forming golden puddles at his
How beautiful are the feet of him
who is
...about to bring good news
and proclaiming peace and
proclaiming word of happiness.
Such is the way the soldiers of
heaven anointed the King of Heaven.
vs 19 - "...and
kneeling and bowing before Him."
The Passion: Behold this act of ridicule
Robe: Check
Words of
"Aclaim" - Check
Scepter -
Anointing -
There is one
thing left to do.....
Bow the
knee! Bow the knee before the
king! Let us do homage!
We hear the
clatter of swords and metal grieves on the hard pavement.
We see
soldiers prostrate themselves...then peek up...and laugh
At the
supposed "King of the Jews."
The Incarnation: Behold this act of reverence
In that moment in time.
Perhaps the day after the Angel has appeared to Mary.
We hear a rustle of angelic garments...
All of the gathered heavenly angels....
First fall to their knees
Then lay down prostate.
"At His feet they humbly bow. Crown Him...Crown Him... Lord of All."
Why do they do this?
Because this one...who is fully God...Is becoming fully man....
He is leaving the courts of heaven.
And it is not a done deal.
It is no slam-dunk...as we say.
It is not certain what the outcome of this mercy mission
will be.
There will be much danger ahead.
They know that down in the dark world.... A Dragon is
A Dragon...empowering a king...to destroy babies.
A Devil Dragon...that will do what every takes to destroy
the Son Savior.
And so they have gathered to say "Good bye."
And for this moment...
Give The Second Person of God....a proper, heavenly send-off.
They lay prostrate before their rightful King.
vs 20 "and after
mocking him, they took the purple off Him."
The Passion: Behold this act of ridicule.
They stand
to their feet.
shouts die down.
They take
out the reed.
they even wipe off their spit.
took off the purple....
leave the crown of thorns where it is.
It is
For this
supposed king to greet his subjects....from the throne of a cross.
The Incarnation: Behold this act of reverence
And in heaven too...
The angels
finally stood back up or took wing...
murmured praise is hushed
Ultimate Word.....
the crown....hands it back.
the purple robe...hands it back.
hands back the scepter to the Father.
is a voluntary sacrifice. Jesus might have remained at the Father’s side. He
might have retained the glory of heaven, and the homage of the angels. But He
chose to give back the scepter into the Father’s hands, and to step down from
the throne of the universe, that He might bring light to the benighted, and
life to the perishing." Desire of
Ages pg 22
...He off
the purple...too
That day
before the incarnation.
vs 20- "put his
garments on him."
The Passion: Behold this act of ridicule
Having beheld
him naked for a moment.
they put
over him again his own robe.
A nice
A robe that
in a moment of hours will be won in a soldiers gamble game.
The Incarnation: Behold this act of reverence
The Son of God is standing there
He is to be re-clothed.
But not in the robe of divinity...
He will be clothed in a different
in flesh.
By the Holy Spirit
vs 20 "They led Him out to crucify Him."
The Passion: Behold this act of ridicule.
Weakened by
the scourging
Weary by
the mocking
Jesus now
staggers out.....
Only to
have a heavy wooden beam lashed to his arms.
He walks
out of Jerusalem....
Outside the
To Calvary
To Golgotha
To Skull
In jealousy
and rage...the sanhedrien led him...
In great
indifference and lack of care... the roman's led him.
They led
him out
out to
crucify him.
The Incarnation: Behold this act of reverence.
The Spirit of God...hovers over the
Son...and he walks down the
the golden stairs
to the golden streets
to the pearl gate.... Maybe Judah's gate. (Lion from Judah's tribe.)
And then that Spirit cloud.....carries
the Son...away...towards
a little dark, cold, planet....
And they fade off...beyond the
reach of any angel's sight.
They led him out...to the edge of
the Heavenly Jerusalem.
In love and sorrow...
They led him out...to begin the
process of crucifixion.
And they led him out...to be
To know
Divinity transformed into a seed...a sperma....
Human Egg
Divine Seed
Divinity Merged With Humanity
Fully God
Fully Man
They took off the purple robe of glory...
so that he could come down here.
Be wrapped in swaddling clothes.
To be draped in a different purple robe....of mockery
To be wrapped in burial clothes
....only to wear them for 2 nights and a day.
That's a nice Christmas
story...do you agree?
It's a great Christmas story.
The Best Ever
It links the Heavens to the Earth
It shows the respect of angels.....verses the ridicule of
Christmas...is about the cradle....and the cross...and the
Two Amazing Paragraphs....From A Modern
Prophet....Ellen White.
"Christ was treated as we deserve,
that we might be treated as He deserves. He was condemned for our sins, in
which He had no share, that we might be justified by His righteousness, in
which we had no share. He suffered the death which was ours, that we might
receive the life which was His. “With His stripes we are healed.” {DA 25.2}
By His life and His death, Christ has
achieved even more than recovery from the ruin wrought through sin. It was
Satan’s purpose to bring about an eternal separation between God and man; but
in Christ we become more closely united to God than if we had never fallen. In
taking our nature, the Saviour has bound Himself to humanity by a tie that is never to be broken. Through the eternal ages He is linked with us.
“God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son.” John 3:16.
He gave Him not only to bear our sins,
and to die as our sacrifice; He gave Him to the fallen race. To assure us of
His immutable counsel of peace, God gave His only-begotten Son to become one of
the human family, forever to retain His human nature. This is the pledge that
God will fulfill His word. “Unto us a child is born, unto us a
son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder.”
God has adopted human nature in the
person of His Son, and has carried the same into the highest heaven. It is the
“Son of man” who shares the throne of the universe. It is the “Son of man”
whose name shall be called, “Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The
everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6. The I AM is the Daysman
between God and humanity, laying His hand upon both. He who is “holy, harmless,
undefiled, separate from sinners,” is not ashamed to call us brethren. Hebrews
7:26; 2:11. In Christ the family of earth and the family of heaven are bound
together. Christ glorified is our brother. Heaven is enshrined in humanity, and
humanity is enfolded in the bosom of Infinite Love.
So...Merry Christmas